Departments that start with "O" (No. faculty / staff listed)
Office of Civil Rights and Investigations
- See OGC Civil Rights & InvestigationsOffice of Equity and Diversity
- Email:
- Phone: 208-885-2468
- Fax: 208-885-6558
- Zip: 3157
Administration Building Room 201
Name | Phone | Title |
Bisbee, Dr. Yolanda | 208-885-2468 | ChfDvrstyOfcr&ExDrTribalRelat |
Office of Multicultural Affiars
- See Multicultural AffairsOffice of Research & Economic Development
- See Research and Economic Development, Office ofOffice of Research Assurances (ORA)
- Email:
- Phone: 208-885-6162
- Zip: 3010
Name | Phone | Title |
Clyde, Gay Lynn | TH-Laborer | |
Denherder, Johnathan | TH-Laborer | |
Holmes, Ms. Kay Dee | 208-885-2142 | Asst Dir, Research Integrity |
Maestas, Amy | 208-885-6187 | LAR Facility Manager |
Martonick, Sarah | 208-885-2145 | Director, Office of Sponsored |
McClanahan, Russell | 208-885-1527 | Biosafety & IRIC Facility Mana |
Miyahara, Caitlin | Lead Animal Research Technicia | |
Plante, Cora | Program Assistant | |
Russell, Steven | 208-885-8958 | Attending Veterinarian |
Stevenson, Karen | 208-885-4550 | Senior Licensing Associate |
Stewart, Kiah | 208-885-7252 | Program Manager II |
Tegli, Jemee | Program Manager II, IRB |
Office of Sponsored Programs
- Email:
- Phone: (208) 885-6651
- Fax: (208) 885-5752
- Zip: 3020
Name | Phone | Title |
Cavolo, Bryon | 208-885-6605 | Accountant II |
Chipman, Cindy | Program Implementation and Com | |
Clabough, Tami | 208-885-5154 | Sponsored Programs Administrat |
Clark, Heather | 208-885-8994 | Accounting Manager II |
Ehlert, Blair | 208-885-1147 | BusinessProcess/Systems Anlyst |
Everett, Eric | 208-885-2098 | Sponsored Programs Administrat |
Franklin, Chelsea | Sponsored Programs Administrat | |
Garner, Rebecca | Accounting Specialist II | |
Goodman, Aquetea | Sponsored Programs Administrat | |
Gupta, Samiksha | 208-885-5656 | Grants and Contracts Administr |
Kerr, Wendy | 208-885-2147 | Accountant III |
Maas, Catie | 208-885-5720 | Accountant II |
Mateer, Emily | Grants and Contracts Administr | |
Mattoon, Michele | 208-885-1019 | Asst Dir, OSP Operations |
Morrison, Ezekiel | Administrative Specialist II | |
O'Rourke, Leann | Accounting Specialist II | |
Shumard, Shannon | 208-885-4013 | Accountant III |
Small, Terri | Accounting Specialist II | |
Smith, Ms. April | TH-Clerical/Tutor | |
Tullis, Christine | Grants & Contracts Administrat | |
Underhill, Wes | Grants and Contracts Administr |
Office of Technology Transfer
- Email:
- Phone: 208-885-4550
- Fax: 208-885-4551
- Zip: 83844-3003
Morrill Hall 103
Office of the President
- Email:
- Phone: 208-885-6365
- Zip: 3151
Name | Phone | Title |
Dawson, Sarah | 208-310-5985 | University Sustainability Dir |
Ford, Chandra | 208-885-1205 | Sr Assoc to Pres/SW Exec Offcr |
Green, Scott | 208-885-6365 | President |
Kautz, Robert | NCAA Assistant Athletic Direct | |
Morris, Adam | Executive Assistant IV | |
Talbot, David | Ombuds | |
Thrall, Kayla | Executive Assistant II, Presid | |
Troy, Representative Caroline | 208-885-8920 | State Governmental Relations |
Vieux, Seth | 208-885-2497 | Special Projects Manager |
Wallace, Sunny | 208-885-6266 | Chief of Staff |
White, Kaylene | Executive Assistant III | |
Wiebe, Olivia | Program Manager I |
Office of Tribal Relations
- Email:
- Phone: 208-885-2468
- Fax: 208-885-6558
- Zip: 3517
Administration 201
Name | Phone | Title |
Attao, Kristine | TH-Clerical/Tutor | |
Bisbee, Dr. Yolanda | 208-885-2468 | ChfDvrstyOfcr&ExDrTribalRelat |
Dann, Leanna | 208-885-9081 | Assoc Project Dir, McNAIR |
Rojas, Yadira | Business Specialist II |
OGC Civil Rights & Investigations
- Email:
- Phone: 208-885-4285
Name | Phone | Title |
Feldman, Amber | Civil Rights Investigator | |
McCord, Jacquelyn | Civil Rights Investigator | |
Pappas, Ms. Morgan | Civil Rights Investigator | |
Reagan, Katie | 208-885-4285 | Office Manager |
Taylor, Trent | Civil Rights Investigator | |
Wernz, Jackie | Director, OCRI |
OIT -- Academic Technology Collaboration and Classroom Technology Services
- Email:
- Phone: (208) 885-0570
- Fax: (208) 885-0566
- Zip: 2440
TLC 132
Name | Phone | Title |
Akin, Travis | 208-885-1716 | Classroom IT Analyst II |
Hall, Cass | 208-885-9125 | Director, Academic Technology |
Lien, Ryan | 208-885-1108 | Classroom IT Analyst I |
Robillard, Jacob | 208-885-1107 | Classroom IT Analyst II |
Schmidt, Kenneth | 208-885-7217 | Classroom IT Analyst III |
OIT -- Enterprise Applications
- Phone: (208) 885-4357
- Zip: 3155
Name | Phone | Title |
Aiman, Ben | Application Administrator I | |
Albrecht, Conrad | 208-885-2781 | Enterprise Developer 3 |
Almada, Jose | ||
Almada, Michele | 208-885-2880 | |
Beery, Mike | 208-885-1188 | Enterprise Developer 4 |
Camden-Britton, David | 208-885-5002 | Technical Product Manager Auxi |
Empey, Creg | 208-885-5337 | Enterprise Developer 4 |
Ewing, Sean | Enterprise Developer IV | |
Flynn, Jacob | 208-885-0411 | Enterprise Developer II |
Iverson, Austin | Application Administrator I | |
Krous, Brandon | Enterprise Developer 1 | |
Larson, Kyu | 208-885-2006 | Database Administrator 3 |
Owens, Kariann | Technical Product Manager | |
Payton, Clint | 208-885-7938 | Application Administrator III |
Singh, Anmol | Enterprise Developer II | |
Stillwell, Max | 208-885-2229 | Application Administrator III |
Summers, Nate | Enterprise Developer II | |
Swoboda-Colberg, Skye | Technical Product Manager, Efo | |
Wood, Randy | 208-885-0130 | Associate Dir, Enterprise Appl |
OIT -- Executive Technology Consultant
- Email:
- Phone: (208) 885-1233
- Fax: (208) 885-7539
- Zip: 2440
AD 139
Name | Phone | Title |
English, Tom | 208-885-1233 | Director, Technology Partnersh |
OIT -- Information Security Office
- Zip: 3155
Name | Phone | Title |
Flynn, Nathan | Cybersecurity Analyst, Researc | |
Hays, Benjamin | 208-885-5353 | Cybersecurity Analyst, Network |
Hotchkiss, Colton | Cybersecurity Analyst | |
Jones, Travis | Cybersecurity Analyst | |
Miller, Don | Systems Integration Analyst | |
Parks, Mitch | 208-885-2522 | Chief Info Security Offcr |
Summers, David | 208-885-2070 | Mgr, Server Ops/Endpoint Mgmt |
OIT -- Infrastructure and IT Operations
- Phone: (208) 885-4357
- Zip: 3155
Name | Phone | Title |
Buerkle, Alice | 208-885-2058 | IT Splst |
Dennler, Kasey | 208-885-4567 | Enterprise Systems Analyst II |
Hadlock, Charlotte | 208-885-4060 | Enterprise Systems Analyst III |
Hagen, Skye | 208-885-2299 | Network Engineer II |
Jemes, Brian | 208-885-2047 | Network Manager |
Jordan, Micah | 208-885-2083 | Network Documentarian |
Riddlemoser, Chris | 208-885-2111 | Network Engineer II |
Roberts, Tim | 208-885-2005 | Enterprise Systems Analyst I |
Rusca, Michael | 208-885-4560 | Network Engineer 3 |
Schauer, Jesse | 208-885-7711 | Windows Server Admin 2 |
Shahi, Sumit | 208-885-1102 | Endpoint Management Analyst I |
Struble, Jules | 208-885-1252 | Enterprise Systems Analyst I |
Wiench, Conner | Network Engineer I | |
Wilson, Peter | Enterprise Systems Analyst I | |
Wolfe, Reilly | Network Engineer II |
OIT -- Office of Information Technology
- Email:
- Phone: 208-885-4357
- Zip: 3155
Name | Phone | Title |
Amos, Teresa | 208-364-6121 | Director, IT Planning and Init |
Armitage, Kali | 208-885-2076 | Senior Dir, IT Applications an |
Bird, Emerson | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Cai, Huilin | TH-Clerical/Tutor | |
English, Tom | 208-885-1233 | Director, Technology Partnersh |
Ewart, Dan | 208-885-2271 | VP, Information Technology/CIO |
Hall, Cass | 208-885-9125 | Director, Academic Technology |
Harrison, Keli | Technology Solutions Partner 1 | |
Holthaus, Margo | 208-885-2127 | Executive Assistant III |
Humble, Trevor | 208-885-6312 | Technical Product Manager |
Kearney, Darren | 208-885-4053 | Director, IT Service Desk |
Moeckli, Nicole | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Nyhus, Sasha | Enterprise Developer I | |
Parks, Mitch | 208-885-2522 | Chief Info Security Offcr |
Tamme, Kevin | 208-885-5644 | Technology Solutions Partner I |
Taylor, Ryan | 208-885-1110 | Technology Solutions Partner I |
Williamson, Ethan | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Zhu, Yudi | Technology Integration Special |
OIT -- Portfolio Project Management Office
- Email:
- Zip: 3155
Name | Phone | Title |
Amos, Teresa | 208-364-6121 | Director, IT Planning and Init |
Swanby, Jason | Senior Project Manager |
OIT -- Records Center
- Email:
- Phone: 208-885-2127
- Zip: 3155
Please do not contact Iron Mountain Directly
OIT -- Student and Technology Operations Support
- Email:
- Phone: (208) 885-4357
- Fax: (208) 885-0566
- Zip: 2440
Name | Phone | Title |
Coats, Ethan | Student Technology Center Mana | |
Ellis, Nyssa | 208-885-0411 | Campus Card System Lead |
Groves, Cullen | IT Procurement Manager | |
Kearney, Darren | 208-885-4053 | Director, IT Service Desk |
Perriguey-Krings, Sophie | Campus Card Specialist | |
Proch, Jordan | IT Procurement Specialist |
OIT -- Technology Solutions Partners
- Email:
- Phone: 208-885-4357
- Zip: 2440
Name | Phone | Title |
Bird, Emerson | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Brereton, Daniel | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Crow, Chad | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
English, Tom | 208-885-1233 | Director, Technology Partnersh |
Fryberger, Matt | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Gabriel, Raffi | Technology Solutions Partner M | |
Gardner, Brandon | 208-757-5418 | Tech Solutions Partner Manager |
Hayter, Ben | 208-885-5642 | Technology Solutions Partner 1 |
Jacoby, Troy | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Jones, Irene | 208-885-1104 | Technology Solutions Partner I |
Key, Mary Stuart | 208-885-2256 | |
Koole, Travis | 208-892-9950 | Technology Solutions Partner I |
Martin, Christopher | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
McKerigan, Alicia | Technology Solutions Partner 1 | |
McMillan, Marshall | 208-885-1229 | Depot Technician |
Merino, Kevin | Technical Solutions Partner II | |
Miller, Jay | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Nachman, Josh | 208-885-0274 | Tech Solutions Partner Manager |
Nisse, Mikel | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Ozmun, Douglas | 208-885-0411 | Depot Technician |
Russell, Wes | Tech Solutions Partner III | |
Sullivan, Sean | 208-885-2079 | Tech Solutions Partner Manager |
Summers, Jarid | 208-885-1106 | Technology Solutions Partner 1 |
Tamme, Kevin | 208-885-5644 | Technology Solutions Partner I |
Taylor, Ryan | 208-885-1110 | Technology Solutions Partner I |
Williamson, Ethan | Technology Solutions Partner I | |
Zaur, Chris | 208-885-5619 | Technology Solutions PartnerII |
OIT -- VandalCard Office
- Phone: 208-885-7522
TLC 128
Ombuds Office
- Email:
- Phone: (208) 885-7668
- Zip: 1106
Name | Phone | Title |
Smythe, Laura | University Ombuds |